public marks

PUBLIC MARKS from "Xavier Lacot" with tag javascript

May 2012


by 4 others
A lightweight jQuery-compatible JavaScript library

February 2012

Running JavaScript inside PHP code | Web Builder Zone

A first feedback about the usage of V8js from inside PHP

jQuery.fracs ·

by 2 others
jQuery.fracs determines some fractions for an HTML element (visible fraction, fraction of the viewport, ...) and also provides the coordinates of these areas. As a bonus there is a page outline feature as seen on the right.

mattapperson's gist: 1621570 — Gist

An android layout for having the tabs at the bottom of the screen. The ciontent of this file has to be put in platform/android/res/layout/titanium_tabgroup.xml


by 1 other
A simple html5/css3 and javascript execution container, which allows to build desktop applications.

by 1 other
A javascript library for creating interactive realtime graphs.

January 2012

TRICK: Drop real shadows in Titanium (iOS) » Community Questions & Answers » Appcelerator Developer Center

A titanium tip / hack which allows to display real soft shadows under view components in native applications. The created effect is rather impressive!


A from-scratch re-write of jQuery, especially targeted at mobile devices : 12 kB in the minified version!

obazoud/statusdashboard - GitHub

A nice service status dashboard build with node.js


Wakanda is a js platform which exposes a HTTP server with a datastore and datastore engine, an IDE and a framework. It is intended to help build applications using javascript.

November 2011

Open Source - DocumentCloud

Several very interesting open source projects by DocumentCloud, mainly written in javascript

Typography Effects with CSS3 and jQuery

A serie of examples of nifty css3 typography animations

October 2011

Kendo UI - The Art of Web Development

by 1 other
A nifty UI widgets library, very complete and which provides a very descent alternative to jQuery UI.

August 2011

Socketbug - Mobile Web Application Debugging

Socketbug is a Remote Debugging Utility built using Socket.IO, which allows to use modern browsers to remotely debug mobile Web applications.


by 3 others
A js library which helps adding retro and vintage effects to images using the HTML5 canvas element

July 2011


by 10 others
Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in both jQuery and Prototype flavors.


A simple and pwerful client-side validation javascript library

June 2011 - Real-time log monitoring in your browser

by 1 other
A server + web client, which makes it easy to harvest and display logs from servers and web applications. Syslog + graylog plugins on the go.

May 2011

TweeterFall – Web Workers

A web workers tutorial, for implementing a Twitter fall in a web page.

Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming

by 3 others
An introduction to the JavaScript programming language, by Marijn Haverbeke. Very complete, extensive, and well-written resource. Must read for every intern in web developement ! :-)

April 2011

Building Large-Scale jQuery Applications

by 3 others
A tutorial / solutions tour on how to build large scale jQuery applications

Highcharts - Interactive JavaScript charts for your webpage

by 13 others
A js graphical library for drawing charts. It stands on top of jQuery, MooTools or Prototyp, depending on the host project fundations, and provides a large serie of nice colored animated charts.

Beautiful web-based timeline software

by 3 others
A nifty and beautiful timeline tool. Very good ergonomy ideas.

ded/qwery - GitHub

A compact css querier (less than 1K minified)